Automating Pre-Qualification and Underwriting 🤖

Hey guys, in this video we're going to show you how you can automate pre-qualification and underwriting as well. With our platform, you will have access to an integrations tab to several different integration sources.

So, a platform for banking, iSoftpull for credit, Mastercard Match, Twilio for multifactor authentication. We have a full KYC and KYB suite, as well as a Google Maps integration to show you exactly where that client's coming from. So in our applications, we actually went ahead and pre-built out a pre-app application. So you'll notice this is going to collect the data that you would find on pretty much any merchant application collecting about 90% of the information. So think of first and last name, processing volumes, business information, personal information, all that good stuff. When you go ahead and turn on the KYC KYB, we can turn on Plaid as well, just so that that data is taken and then immediately run. When we collect the information from the client, let me go ahead and get to a particular client that has completed all the questions.

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