How to Issue Credit Cards with an Easy Click to Agree & Verification Process

September 16, 2023

Hey everyone, in today's video we are going to go over how you can issue credit cards via an easy to use online form with that has a click to agree option, along with an embedded verification process.

So on my screen you'll see this app editor which is what we're building the online form to show and collect data on. I'm going to include a few integrations for identity verification. So our KYC along with KYB planned for banking, iSoftpull for credit, and Twilio for MFA. That should at least give us a good start. I'm going to scroll down after we collect all this information and we're going to want to have the T's and C's. That should at least give us a good start. I'm going to scroll down after we collect all this information and we're going to want to have the T's and C's. So we have an element called click to agree which I dragged and dropped in here. I'll add some content as well. Just some Latin. Save that. And then once that is good to go, I would just go ahead and share it via URL or just embed the iframe code. That's going to be great within your CMS website. If you wanted to say, you know, company name, forward slash credit card application. That's going to be great within your CMS website. If you wanted to say, you know, company name back. Com forward slash credit card application. You have that option in this next screen.

This is what the end user will see. I just have it pre filled for the sake of time. This, of course, will be completely open. They'll receive a six Thanks for watching. This is your code just to get started. This, of course, will be completely open. They'll receive a six Thanks for watching. This is your code just to get started. They'll fill out the information that we need to go ahead and run those verifications that we spoke about. Check that yes, we can pull credit. Plaid for bank verification. I'm just going to skip the dialog box that says yes, you know, log into your online account. And then here are the T's and she sees that show. I'm going to click to agree. And then I can upload any additional documents. When that is done, I'm going to come into this particular customer record. Thank you. I see that isn't progress.

Let's go ahead and we know that it's completed going to discard changes. I'm going to go into our integrations to have to focus on the verifications. So I did pass Twilio. I'm not using a non registered voice over IP. I'm not coming from a high risk country. KYC and KYB, I'm checking their date birth, their name, their social, their address. That all checks out. So if it's personal and credit card, that should be all you need. But maybe for a bank and credit card, you want to check their business info, so a business name, address, text. ID, secretary of state plan. You'll see we check the bank account, the routing number, the account balance, and if there is any transaction history, Google Maps can show you exactly where they're assigning from at the time. You'll see me just outside of Chicago. And then master card, excuse me, iSoftpull.

So we would just direct you to the iSoftfpull account which will show you the credits, excuse me, credit scores from the major bureaus.

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