CRM Integrations

Customer Record CRM Integrations

CRM Integrations

CRM integrations require you to connect your account in the Admin Settings tab and provide a token or credentials. Hyperlink here


What we send

Contact Info

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Legal Address

Account Info

  • Legal Name
  • Website

HubSpot will automatically populate certain information if publicly available

  • Company Revenue
  • Company headcount
  • Domain

What we receive

  • UID provided by HubSpot after the account is successfully created
  • Wrench Icon - anchor to field in the Customer Record Data view
  • Integration not configured - anchor to the Template > Integration View


What we send

Contact Info

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone
  • Email Address
  • Address

Account Info

  • Legal Name
  • Tax Identification Number (EIN)
  • Website
  • Industry
  • Legal Address

Template Info

  • Template Name
  • Email address of customer owner if there is a correlated user in Salesforce
  • App Start and Complete date

What we receive

  • UID provided by Salesforce after the account is successfully created
  • Wrench Icon - anchor to field in the Customer Record Data view
  • Integration not configured - anchor to the Template > Integration View