Mastercard MATCH

Mastercard MATCH Integration

Mastercard MATCH

You must have an existing Mastercard MATCH account. Please talk with to connect your existing Mastercard MATCH account.

What we send

Account Info

  • Tax Identification Number (EIN)
  • Business Phone
  • Website
  • DBA Name
  • Legal Address

Contact Info

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Address

What we receive

  • Merchants Match show any companies on the MATCH list with correlated data
  • 15 fields are sent to MATCH, the percentage of correlated values will show up on the right-hand side
  • The match percentage should be high to assume these are the same companies
  • If you check the Inquiry Match box, this will return values if the applicant is applying for accounts through other databases